Rooftop Patio745 Thurlow’s patio is a great area for occupants to connect and enjoy the incredible Vancouver landscape.
Bicycle Parking & StorageAll tenants have access to ample secured bicycle storage lockers on the P1 level of the underground parkade at no charge
End of Trip FacilitiesMen's and Women's shower facilities are located adjacent to the bicycle storage room.
Fitness CentreThis complimentary amenity features cardio, strength, and free weight training equipment. Open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
LockersMonthly locker rental is available for a small fee. Conveniently located by the End of Trip shower facilities.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations745 Thurlow has ten non-networked GE L2 J1772 plugs on level P6 that are available at the hourly rate.